If Trees Could Speak

Playing around with poetry for a change.

This one came through last night when I couldn’t sleep and expresses what I didn’t quite know I needed to say… I had to ask Keara if there’s a right or wrong way to write a poem — apparently there’s not. So here goes nothing!


If trees could speak 

What beauty abound

Would come through their wisdom

Of nurturing sound

If trees could speak

A language so true 

Nourishing rhythm

Present and new 

If trees could speak

A truth would ring out

Of how to live kindly

Lovingly, no doubt 

If trees could speak

The way of all words

Our world once at peace

For guidance occurs

I hear them calling

A whisper in wise

There in the forest 

In unison, they harmonize 

“My love don’t forget”

They sing oh to me 

“Your truth lies in waking,

Coming home now to thee”

The song of my soul

So strong and so sweet

One with their hearts

A familiar beat 

When words carry weight

And body language is known

What about whispers

From leaves gently thrown

Or roots underground 

Reaching out, connected

Communities together

Interdependence expected

These ways that we know

But have forgotten to be 

Are there in the rhythm

Of nature’s true key

Held in our ancestors

Accessible with ease 

Our one true way 

With the life of the trees 


Photo above (also found on my “About Me” page!) from Kerala, India - one of the most magnificent trees I’ve had the pleasure of meeting. 


I’m Going Home


Highs & Lows